Cimb Niaga bank code is one of theinstruments when you want to make a transfer. Both to fellow cimb niaga banks and to other interbanks. So all you need to do is to know the bank code. Then it will only be able to carry out the transfer process easily.
But before talking about the Bank Code, let’s first talk about the history of the bank. Bank Niaga was established in 1955 on September 26. Now this bank is ranked number 7 largest of the banks in Indonesia. This is based on the assets in it.
But in terms of kredit bank home ownership is ranked 2nd. Because of this, it is not surprising that Cimb Niaga bank is one of the largest banks with many customers. And they are all spread all over Indonesia. The largest shareholder is Bumiputra-Commerce.
It has more than 6000 employees spread across each branch office of the bank. Not only in banks with conventional systems, but also using sharia systems so it will be very useful. Especially for people who have used Islamic banks every time the transaction is using the Cimb Niaga bank code.
This bank has a very good reputation in the banking sector. Governance and also the banking system is also very good. So that customers will feel satisfied with the service at the bank. The largest network of branch offices and ATMs is extensive in all regions of Indonesia. This bank is easy to reach.
Cimb Niaga Bank Code for Transfer Process
Many awards have been received by the bank. AntaRanya was ranked 1st in the Performance Management and Training and Development category at the 2007 HR Execellence Award. In addition, it was once named as the best and trusted bank by Investor magazine. And there are many more awards.
With such an award, it is not surprising. And you don’t feel cimb niaga bank as a bank with abad bag. But quite the opposite. Because the quality offered by commercial banks is very good and certainly does not cause fraud in it. Safe to save in Shariah
Lippo Bank and Cimb Niaga cooperate, or in banking language is a merger. Bank Cimb bought lippo bank shares by 51%. When the two banks decide to merge, it turns them into one bank. And the bank is one of the largest in the country of Indonesia.
This step of interbank merger is also going well. Where in its governance, PT bank CIMB Niaga still uses the board of commissars and the board of directors of both parties. This means thata leader is from two leading banks in Indonesia, when united it becomes a big bank and is taken into account.
The mission of this bank is to become a trusted bank in Indonesia which is then division of the leading universal bank in Southeast Asia. And by understanding the needs of customers, and making them as thebest partners in building a banking business, both poetry and conventional.
The Emergence of Cimb Niaga Syariah Bank Code
When bank Cimb Niaga syariah appears, it also appears its bank code. Like any other bank code. Where the sharia and also the conventional have different codes from each other. Although they have the same name, because it occurs in the differences in the banking system they do.
Bank Cimb Niaga Syariah was established in 2010 on July 21. Precisely on tuparev street, which now stands the magnificent branch office of the Islamic bank. The vision and mission of islamic banks is almost the same as conventional Cimb Niaga. But adjustments are made to the teachings of Islam.
The mission of this Cimb Niaga Sharia bank code is as a servant of customer needs, and prioritizes Islamic values in the processof t ransaksinya. And also Become a syariah bank of choice all customers both funding and lending. As well as increasing branch assets in accordance with the Islamic system.
In addition, to run the banking wheel in Cimb Niaga Sharia bank, it prioritizes several important values. And this value must be used by each employee of Cimb Niaga Sharia bank. The first is Integrity is Everything, Be honest and act sincerely. Can be relied on when making decisions.
Another applied value is Always put Costumer First. This value has a meaning as a forum to help the community to meet secondary needs. Creating added value, printing humans (customers and employees as superior human beings) in their lives. There is another value, passion for excellence.
Use Value dari Cimb Niaga Bank Code
Speaking of bank codes, then both banks with sharia systems and with conventional systems. All of them require a bank code for the purposes of the transaction process. Therefore, before carrying outmoney transfer transactions between banks, everyone must understand the code both sharia and conventional.
But in fact there is still one more superior value owned by the bank. In terms of Passion for Excellence. It means to give the bestcauldront as in each of its products. The work service is also quite good, never committing fraud. And more concerned with cooperation between customers and the bank.
Regarding cimb niaga bank code , you don’t need to be confused. Because in this bank the code for which sharia system or conventional is the same. That’s 022. Then how to transfer, first come to the nearest ATM machine and do the transfer process. Do it in accordance with the given advicenjuk.
Using Cimb Niaga bank is the most profitable thing. Why this is so, first is because one of the largest banks in Indonesia. And the second is atm machines spread throughout Indonesia, especially major cities will definitely find atm machines.
The limits available at the bank are also very much. This is different from other banks. For example, in terms of money withdrawal limits, you can withdraw up to 200 million rupiah. So you don’t need to be confused, when you want to withdraw 100 million, it will be easy to do at one time.
Advantages of Saving di Bank Cimb Niaga
After making a transfer with the Cimb Niaga Bank code, you will get other benefits. Namely the benefits of interest and profit sharing, especially if you save in large quantities then the possibility of profit will be greater. And it’s even bigger if the time frame is long enough.
High security guarantee. This is because as one of the banks with a big reputation, it is no wonder that the security in it is quite high. When there is a problem with the money in the bank, the money is still guaranteed by LPS or deposit lending institutions.
The second advantage is in terms of transactions because it is free and easy to process. Withdrawal of money is also very large limit. In addition, Cimb Niaga Bank is also supported by M-banking and internet banking systems. In addition, there are promos in it.
The transaction process in the bank is very easy and not complicated at all. You can make investments as well, the money will increase every certain period of time because of this. But if you want to make a transaction, you must use cimb niaga bank code.